24-Hour Hotline
St. Johnsbury: 802-748-8645
Newport: 802-334-0148

“When I got there I was so nervous but I met with the housing advocate who was so friendly and welcoming. I wasn't expecting to get any help but they had something ready right away and just like that we had a place to go.” - Advocacy client
Advocacy for survivors of domestic and sexual violence, stalking, teen dating violence, human trafficking as well as violence related to gender or sexual orientation. In our work, the client leads and we support them in any way they need us to including providing legal advocacy, housing advocacy, support with parenting after trauma and more.
The Advocacy Program serves survivors and children of survivors who have experienced intimate partner violence, sexual violence, dating violence, and stalking. All services are free and confidential.
Access our services through our 24-hour hotlines. In Orleans and Northern Essex Counties, call 802-334-0148. In Caledonia and Southern Essex Counties, call 802-748-8645.
Safety Planning + Legal Advocacy
Assistance filing for a protection order/relief from abuse order
Support during criminal justice system procedures
Co-creating plans for staying safe
Emergency + Transitional Housing
Help with identifying emergency housing options including Umbrella’s shelter
Access to Umbrella’s Transitional Housing program
Other Supportive Services
Support groups to help heal from trauma and restore a sense of autonomy and wellness.
System advocacy to ensure community responses prioritize victim safety and offender accountability.
Partnership in accessing public benefits, housing, job training, etc.
Prevention and awareness workshops for professional groups to change attitudes and behaviors about gender norms and violence.
Chat Line operating 8:30-4:30 M-F - closed all Federal Holidays
Client Impact
“Amy” came to Umbrella very shaken and distressed – barely able to speak. Her partner had threatened to kill her, and burn her home down. Amy was reluctant to flee with her two children because she feared the safety of her home, which had been in her family for generations and she didn’t want to disturb the children’s routine. Because she was unsure of what her partner might do (there had been significant physical abuse in the past), she decided to relocate with her children to our emergency shelter for a time. After Amy received a protection order, she felt ready to return home. While still working on healing, Amy feels she has regained her power and she now has much more hope for the future.
By the Numbers
In 2024, 509 individuals received direct advocacy. 101 people were housed in our emergency shelters as a result of fleeing domestic or sexual violence. 14 were housed in our Transitional Housing program.
Contact Us
1330 Main Street, St. Johnsbury VT 05819
79 Coventry St., Suite 3, Newport, VT 05855
St. Johnsbury: (802) 748-8645
Newport: (802) 334-0148