24-Hour Hotline
St. Johnsbury: 802-748-8645
Newport: 802-334-0148

“I had not seen my dad in 3 years, I was scared. The Family Room made it safe and comfortable for me to see my dad. We now talk weekly and do not need the Family Room to see one another.” Jessica, 11 years old
Family Based Services focuses on connecting families to child-care and strengthening family relationships. Kingdom Child Care Connection assists families in Caledonia and southern Essex counties to receive subsidized childcare, appropriate child care referrals and specialized childcare placement support. The Family Room offers supervised visitation for families throughout the Northeast Kingdom.
Kingdom Child Care Connection provides child care subsidies, referral and specialized child care support. Learn more.
The Family Room provides supervised visitation to ensure children receive safe contact with family members. Learn more.
Client Impact
"A case I've been able to help with is a parent who was struggling with mental health and substance use. She was able to come in to the office, apply for family support child care and locate a provider through the referral process. Within the first six months of the family receiving help with child care mom was able to get set up with a therapist and a substance abuse counselor. She has maintained attending all of her appointments so that can she work on herself and able to parent to the best of her ability without barriers. This success story is due to the family having high quality child care placement." - Natashia Brooks, CIS Specialized Child Care Coordinator
By the Numbers
In 2024, The Family Room provided direct service to 90 children and their families. Our Kingdom Child Care Connection program served over 740 families which is 234 more than last year.
Contact Us
1330 Main Street, St. Johnsbury VT 05819
Kingdom Child Care Connection: (802) 748-1992
Family Room: 802-535-0817
79 Coventry St., Suite 3, Newport, VT 05855
Kingdom Child Care Connection: (802) 334-0148
Family Room: 802-535-0817
familyroom@umbrellanek.org or KCCC@umbrellanek.org